Ever felt that you’ve lost your sense of self?

It’s easy to do. During our life’s journey, we take on many personas. For me, it was daughter, sister, interior designer, feng shui student, wife, mother, life coach and hairstylist. However, after many joyous years of raising my children, something changed. My identity was defined by being a mom. I hate to admit it, but I felt a bit lost – like the real me was stuck in the back of a long line, just waiting to make it to the front. But the line wasn’t moving.

How did this happen?

At an early age I was drawn to beauty. And I don’t mean just liking what looked pretty. It was much more than that. In fact, I could see and create beauty, as well as feel it in others. I knew this was my true gift, so I pursued a career as a hairstylist. I loved this role because I not only created visual beauty, but also intuitively connected with my clients to discover their inner beauty and reflect that energy in their appearance.

I thrived on the fun, optimism, creativity and exploration I experienced!

Like most women, after getting married and having children, my focus was taking care of my family. Soon, my life became less about me and more about the kids. That’s when the shift happened. I had left my passions behind and was no longer Sally, I was always mom.

A need to rediscover myself and my gift was stirring. I couldn’t ignore it, so I began to study everything I could about creative, positive energy. I learned about feng shui, fashion feng shui and the mind-body-spirit connection. I eagerly read the teachings of great spiritual leaders.

Then I had my “ah, ha” moment!

I was introduced to life coaching. My journey had led me to a place where I knew I belonged and an uncontrollable force pushed me to learn more. As I became fascinated by the potential of life coaching, new ideas emerged. Harmonic Life & Style was born!

Through Harmonic Life & Style, I guide individuals to discover their true self and authentic style. I combine my experience in fashion, design, life coaching, spirituality and the beauty industry with my intuitive ability to see the whole person - mind, body and spirit.

I live a beautiful, passionate life. Don’t waste another moment living a life that’s not truly, authentically yours. Click here to take the first step down the path of creating your harmonic life and style.